For those who want to pay attention to their figure, Juvamine has developed this specific Celliflore Detox Tea. With a refreshing jasmine taste, it takes an active part in the elimination of toxins.
Chinese Green Tea
Contributes to kidney function and renal elimination.
Dandelion and Chicory
Promote the kidney function and facilitate the elimination of toxins.
79% of users are satisfied*
*the satisfaction was measured on 34 women taking 4 tea bags of Celliflore Detox Tea by Juvamine Laboratories, each day for 20 days.
Infuse the tea bag in simmering water for 3 to 4 minutes.
Take 1 to 4 tea bags a day.
For people who are sensitive to exciting active ingredients like Tea, avoid taking Detox Tea before bedtime.
Chinese Green Tea
Contributes to kidney function and renal elimination.
Dandelion and Chicory
Promote the kidney function and facilitate the elimination of toxins.